Howrah Analytics

This is a part of Kolkata U.A.. Here is link to UA.
Please note that the Mother Tongue ( highest number) of this City/DHQ ( District Headquarter) in Census 2011 is Bengali Additionally, there is a possibility that there is more than 30K literate Urdu language population too in this City. The Census did NOT distinguish between literacy in Urdu vs merely speaking in Urdu language- as such, we can't be sure. It is therefore recommended to consider all URDU and Bengali data consolidated together for this City/DHQ, for any linguistic Digital market/advertising size calculations.

City (district capitals)/DHQ

  • 1. Bengali   :   640,613
  • 2. Hindi   :   317,210
  • 3. English Multilingual Population   :   108,029

Number Of Languages spoken by more then 30K Population : 3


Basic Details

City (District Capitals)/DHQ
Population  :
City(District Capitals)/DHQ
Population (Rank)  
Area (km2)  
Area (Rank)
No.of Towns  
in District
: 1
No. of Villages  
in District
: 364

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Howrah Highlights: India City/Districts Comparison

Howrah is the 43rd ranked city in population, out of 768 District Capitals (DHQs) of India. It is the capital of Howrah District in West Bengal State. Howrah District is 29th highest ranked in population & 648th ranked in area, in India. Please keep the DHQ rank in perspective, for the highlights below.